Here at Public Library of Užice we pay special attention to the teens. In addition to the traditional services, various interesting activities are organized just for teens. Using current technologies, the new content is created and presented through modern communication channels. Creative, innovative activities makes Library an attractive place for children and teens both in physical and virtual environment.
Education and creative workshops tailored for middle schoolers are performed in groups or individually within our Library or in schools. Workshop content is adjusted to the interests and teen’s age.
Primary school pupils can learn how to:
- Explore Library’s digital catalogue and other databases and use them in classes,
- Use smartphone apps to search Library’s fund,
- Use e-mail,
- Safe web browsing with special overview on how to behave on social media,
- Learn to code on Microbit devices,
- Use Library’s IT equipment for making presentations and other creative educational, curricular or extracurricular activities,
- Help us expand our library with their suggestions.
High school students can:
- Learn now to look up and sort formal and informal source of information,
- Use smartphone apps to explore Library funds,
- Safely browse the web,
- Learn about projects which could help them hone their high school knowledge,
- Use Library’s IT equipment for making presentations and other creative educational, curricular or extracurricular activities,
- Help us expand our library with their suggestions.