Lending Department

Lending department (for Members over 14 years of age) is the oldest and largest part in the Library.

Department’s holdings is consisted of more than 100,000 books from all areas of human knowledge. The material is sorted by Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system. Works of national and foreign, professional and popular literature, school readings for middle school are all available to our users. There’s a special section with popular fiction for teens, and collection of comic books and graphic novels. Part of holdings is feely accessible, so users can choose literature by themselves. This department provides the following services:

  • Loan and book recommendation
  • Consultation with the librarians and assistance in finding desired literature
  • Education and search of our digital catalogue
  • Reservations

Loan period is 14 days for up to 3 titles at once, nut there’s an option to extend the loan for additional two weeks.


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